PCOS Nutrition
Live a Healthy, Empowered Life with PCOS
Does this sound familiar?
"For me, food seems to pack on pounds, cause breakouts, or lead to more intense cravings."
"It's hard to tell when I'm truly hungry or full."
"My sweet tooth is out of control."
"I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and am confused about what to eat."
I am a PCOS specialist dietitian with lived experience - I have PCOS!
I teach my clients everything I wish I had learned when I was first diagnosed.
Read more about Adrienne's experience here.
Our non-diet approach can help you:
Experience less cravings and improved energy
Learn which supplements do and don't work for PCOS
Cultivate a relationship with food that is enjoyable, nourishing, and non-restrictive (bye bye eating with worry, overthinking, and guilt!)
Discover your body's natural weight - because weight "control" should not be a constant battle between you and your body
You and your PCOS Dietitian will discuss:
The truth about nutrition and carbohydrates for PCOS
The food combinations that work for YOUR body and make you feel your best
Supplements and other strategies that may improve symptoms
The initial counseling session is a 90-min appointment.
Our PCOS specialists help clients develop eating patterns that are simple, individualized, non-restrictive, and sustainable. They also coordinate with health care providers (physicians and therapists), review lab work, make recommendations for supplements, sleep hygiene, self-care, and enjoyable movement as needed - as all of these factors contribute to hormonal health. In sessions, we will also work on body image as well as disordered and/or emotional eating issues if they are present.
Follow-up sessions are 45-min. appointments.
Your PCOS dietitian will revise your support plan and find additional strategies to fit your unique body, medical conditions and emotional needs and circumstances.
PCOS is a treatable condition and restrictive diets are not necessary for symptom relief!